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Briefly on Types of Fur

Posted by violeta 07/07/2016 1 Comment(s) Wedding white fur accessories,Wedding fur accessories,Bridal real fur stoles,Wedding Fur Shalws & Stoles,

In terms of the price, sable fur is at the top – mostly due to low numbers of these animals worldwide. The sable fur is very light and sleek. If we talk about the most wanted, mink fur and fox fur come first to one’s mind. Mink fur is especially appreciated by the ladies as it can make them look great for decades, provided the fur is maintained properly. Furthermore, mink fur delights your eye and skin with gloss and tenderness, and it does look stylish. Mink fur is “the classics”, it hardly ever goes out. Meanwhile, fox fur is used more frequently for collars and muffs. Rabbit fur is among the popular as well; just be aware you will most likely wear it a few seasons only as the pile is not thick and wears down soon. You will be gratified by raccoon fur for more than one season; it’s quite warm, and incidentally, it is used for producing men’s fur caps and shawls. Karakul fur features especially short hair; it can be either black or brown. However, if you consider purchasing fur to serve you for long, we don’t suggest karakul for one simple reason: it falls out of fashion just as quickly as it comes in… They were notably popular during the Soviet era; then, they went out. A few years back, however, karakul came back with a bang. Swakara is the most expensive sort of karakul; designers are simply nuts about it!
Before you decide choosing a particular fur type, we suggest considering your budget first, as well as the occasions on which you are going to wear it, and for how long. If you desire a practical fur coat you can wear for years, and your budget can accommodate this, we offer picking classical mink fur. A short mink fur coat is a particularly frequent choice among the active women spending long hours behind the wheel. If you prefer diversity and would like to spend less, go for rabbit fur. That will suit your needs for a couple of seasons, and with the price that doesn’t rip you off, you will be able to renew it every two years. By the way, the latest trend has been fur accessories, caps, and shawls that can be matched to the coats. They can help you to remarkably spice up your winter image. Also, have a look at those fur stoles; they will definitely strike you eye with luxury and style. And for the bride that will celebrate her wedding in winter, fur accessories become essentially a must! You can find many ideas on the fur accessories for the bride at our e-shop

Fox Fur StoleMink Fur StoleRex Rabbit Fur Stole


1 Comment(s)

Titti - Milan:
08/07/2016, 09:28:13 AM

These fox fur shawls are amazing!

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